Sound Healing And Energy Medicine September 2019 Stone Ridge New York, USA
6PM Friday Sept. 13th– 5:30PM - Sunday Sept. 15th 2019
This class will focus on how sound directly effects the mind and body through vibrational energy. The class will begin with a presentation of the science of the five star geometric pattern and its importance in neural network repattering and energy medicine. We will learn to evaluate five star body geometry through visual assessment and special wave palpation skills. Next we will learn how to vibrationally align the body to the five star pattern through special osteophonic (otto) tuning forks. Special emphasis will be given to tuning vagal nerve tuning through a special tuning fork protocol developed by Dr. Beaulieu. Andreas Ledermann will present osteophonic tuning forks and expand the protocol into specific polarity energy circuits based on five star geometry
Friday Pre Class Schedule
2PM to 4:30PM Sound Healing Clinic with Chiropractor Karen Kelly, D.C.,
Osteopath Joseph Schmidlin
Osteopath and Polarity Therapist Andreas Ledermann
Osteopath and Polarity Therapist Brigitta Raimann
Open to all with suggested donation of $60.
4:30PM – 5:15PM Tuning Fork Technique Checking With Daniel Beaulieu
Class Schedule Sat and Sun
7:00AM to 8:00AM Optional Yoga with Daniel Beaulieu, Advanced Yoga Instructor
8:15 AM – 8:45 AM Dancing With Elements with Thea Keats Beaulieu
9:00AM – 1PM Class
1PM to 3PM Lunch (Sun -2:30PM)
3PM to 5:30PM Class (Sun 5PM)
5PM -8:30PM Dinner (Saturday)
8:30PM to 10PM Saturday Event Concert
is a composer, musician, counselor, and naturopathic physician exploring multiple mediums of creative expression as part of his exploration of consciousness for healing and greater spiritual understandings. His work ranges from the development of tuning forks as musical instruments
tuned to precise mathematical formulas based on molecular research to intuitive sonic systems.
Andreas Ledermannhis wife Brigitta Raimann
are the co-directors of the School for Holistic Naturopathy in Zug Switzerland. Andreas is certified in polarity therapy, craniosacral therapy, naturopathy and process orientated psychology, and has been teaching and practicing for thirty five years. He is an expert in sound healing and energy medicine integration with tuning forks.
The opportunity to have and learn from Andreas Ledermann and Brigitta Raimann is special. We have worked together in Switzerland for over thirty years and I am very excited that they can be with us in America. They will bring a special Swiss energy and maybe if we are lucky some Swiss chocolate. --- Dr. John Beaulieu
6PM Friday Sept. 13th– 5:30PM - Sunday Sept. 15th 2018
(includes Saturday Evening Concert)
$100 optional teaching clinic with Dr. Beaulieu
Monday Sept. 16th9AM – 12:30PM with Dr. Beaulieu
To enroll e mail thea@biosonics.comor call 845-687-6031 (outside of USA) or 800-925-0159 (in USA only)